Individual Coaching and Development
"If the coach and the coachee are travelling companions, then the coach's questioning and listening are the quality of light by which they travel." Julie Starr.
Did you know...
...It takes approximately one month to learn a new behaviour? That's 12 new behaviours per year. What could you do better and differently, armed with 12 new behaviours within a year? Imagine.
Our approach to coaching is to help client's realise they have many of the resources within them to make the changes they desire to move forward from an unsatisfactory state to a new desired future. By helping them to frame the issue properly, and helping them to marshal their own resources, to include those in the sub-conscious, and take practical steps to the new desired future, clients unlock the barriers holding them back. Coaching is about helping clients to exercise "choice" and commit to action.
To aid us, we may use a variety of tools, to include TMSDI's proven psychometric tools; the Applied Centre for Neuroscience's PRISM personal performance model, and NLP tools and techniques to provide a combination of 360-feedback for diagnostic purposes, identifying areas of strength and potential areas for development with soft skill development, to learn how to be more flexible in communication, for example. Collectively, these tools provide the foundation for a solutions-based coaching style for individuals and teams.
An unusual case study:
Meet Lieutenant Colonel Jay Turner, a British Army officer who set himself the goal of running 100 miles in 24 hours in order to raise money for charity.
Jay is an ultra-runner who had attempted this feat before and wanted coaching support to improve his mental preparedness. He had identified the 70-mile mark as the key barrier holding him back. Through coaching, we identified his true motivation and other barriers that were holding him back. We used a number of NLP techniques, to include the installation of a "filter" to monitor his health, the creation of an "ally" as his own personal coach to defend him when his inner "voice" was telling him he was defeated, as well as re-framing goals so that they were aligned with his real motivational drivers. We suggested he created a music playlist to either help relaxation during breaks or to provide a stimulus when his energy was sapped, and a series of "business rules" which governed how "supporters" could best lend their support to him were all part of the toolkit we helped him build, pro bono.
The result: Jay completed the 100 miles in the most atrocious wet wintry weather in Norway, much to his personal delight, and raised £10000 for World Vision.
Lessons: We helped Jay to align his motivation with his goal; helped him to tap into additional resources when the situation was tough; re-framed the way he thought about barriers and obstacles; and provided him with a toolkit from which he could draw to maximise his performance.
Although this case study is somewhat unusual, the issues he faced are similar to those facing business or other organisational challenges.
Inspired? What is your "100-mile in 24 hours" challenge? Please ring or email to discuss how our coaching can improve your performance. Call Roger on +44 (0)23 9249 2603 or email
Heart of Leadership™ Programme:
The Heart of Leadership™ programme is a one-day workshop, aimed at providing an opportunity for those individuals who wish to exercise their choice to lead and make a difference in their world. The programme is designed to stimulate the "heart" - what you really believe and value, so that you gain key insights into your leadership impact, and develop a stronger understanding of some of the critical issues that which will help you influence a community of people to move towards a higher objective.
The programme is a mixture of theory, conversation, challenge, collaboration and laughter. When Roger participated in the accreditation programme, 3 delegates had life-changing insights into the way they were running their businesses. This was sufficiently powerful for Roger to offer this workshop for his clients.
The programme is offered to businesses and organisations, either as a public programme, designed to bring together people from different organisations exercising a leadership role, or within a sector where leaders face a similar challenge and can learn from each other. It is also used as a booster to other programmes as a sustainment mechanism.
For more information on the Heart of Leadership™ programme, please ring +44 (0)23 9249 2603 or email
Exercise your choice to do things better and differently from today.
Roger is a Premier NLP Practitioner from the NLP Academy.
Overcoming fears: Afraid of public speaking? Exam nerves? We have been trained by Dr David Wilkinson of the "Fear Course" to run programmes to overcome "fears", especially exam nerves and the fear of public speaking. For further details, please see the Educational section under the Specialty programmes.